Category: Data Management

  • Top 10 tech tips and tools that data scientists should know

    Top 10 tech tips and tools that data scientists should know

    Data science is one of the fastest growing careers in the world. We have considerably more data than we do scientists capable of mining, processing it and making sense of the data we have already generated and are going to generate in the next few decades. Businesses and governments need to unlock value from the…

  • 14 useful ways to visualize your data(with examples)

    “To create architecture is to put in order. Put what in order? Function and objects.”  That’s a quote from Le Corbusier, one of the greatest architects of the 20th Century. Le Corbusier understood intuitively how to reduce everything to its simplest and most elegant form without ever sacrificing on what mattered most: the purpose of…

  • Personal data – 55 things you need to know about GDPR

    No doubt you’ve heard of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) act introduced by the European Union by now. Some companies – such as Facebook and Google – have already been accused of breathing the legislation; which protects EU citizens from having their personal data misused. It also gives them more control over their personal…

  • Big Data and the Future of Accountancy

    Big Data and the Future of Accountancy

      Over the last several years, big data has created a lot of buzz in the business circle. The topic is wide and deep. Sometimes it is referred as analysis or data analytics. According to Harvard Business Review , Data Scientist is the sexiest job in this century. Thousands of data scientists are being hired…

  • Want to Know What Data Mining Will do for Your Business?

    Want to Know What Data Mining Will do for Your Business?

      Data mining is a process that discovers correlations, anomalies and patterns in large sets of data to predict outcomes. Also referred to as knowledge discovery in databases, it emerged in the 1990s and incorporates three disciplines: artificial intelligence, machine learning and statistics. With advances in technology, data mining has become an easy and quick…

  • The Data-Driven Hacks You Need Now to Be Proactive (Part 1)

    The Data-Driven Hacks You Need Now to Be Proactive (Part 1)

      Imagine this. You receive a notification that the nuclear power plant you work in is about to explode. You’re in the plant’s breakroom—dead center in the building. Isn’t it a little too late to receive this news? Chances are, you don’t work in a nuclear power plant. And chances are, you’ll never have to…

  • What Makes Business Intelligence Software Truly Useful?

    What Makes Business Intelligence Software Truly Useful?

      Business intelligence software is the next big thing in business. Take BI cloud software as an example. Adoption reached 43% in 2016, and this number is only going to continue to rise. The problem is that business intelligence software can sometimes cause more problems than it should. When it’s not implemented correctly, or you…

  • GDPR Drives Real Time Analytics

    GDPR Drives Real Time Analytics

    New reforms under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) started as an attempt to standardize data protection regulations in 2012. The European Union intends to make Europe “fit for the digital age.” It took four years to finalize the agreements and reach a roadmap on how the laws will be enforced. The GDPR presents new…

  • Government Agencies Are Gaining New Data Collection Tools in 2018

    Government Agencies Are Gaining New Data Collection Tools in 2018

      After 9/11, the way that the United States government handled data shifted. At first, all ears were directed outside of the country. Now, increasingly, we are seeing a shift to domestic data surveillance. This was highlighted in Edward Snowden’s massive data leak from the National Security Agency. It has been further confirmed by the…

  • 5 Lessons Companies Can Learn From Facebook’s Data Privacy Scandal

    When news broke that Cambridge Analytica illegally harvested the data of millions of Facebook users who interacted with the former company’s third-party app, the backlash was fierce. The aftermath reveals lessons all companies can learn, regardless of the extent to which they use social media. 1. Delayed Acknowledgements of Wrongdoing Make Things Worse One of…